My Inspired Year Weekly Planner
Looking forward to having your best year yet?

Use My Inspired Year Weekly Planner for
a New You in 2017!
This is No Ordinary Calendar...
it's a Toolkit for a Better Life!

Hi from Norma,

Have you found yourself in an endless loop of always setting the same New Year's Resolutions and never getting anywhere?

You know that you need to be writing down your goals and tracking them.

You know that there are things that you need to be doing on a regular basis to actually hit those goals.

And yet it always seems like life gets in the way. Things happen. You find yourself looking back in December and asking, "Where did the time go?"

It's depressing to look back on the year and see that you haven't quite accomplished all that you had hoped.

I know because I've been there! I've found that the only way to hit those goals and build those necessary success habits is to be specific about what you want, decide what you need to do to get there, and track your progress relentlessly.

For the last several years, I've been using a set of planning pages that I made for myself. These have proven to be so helpful that I decided to offer a version of my planner to help YOU on your journey, too.

Use My Inspired Year Weekly Planner to track your:

Red Checkmark Goals

Red Checkmark New Habits

Red Checkmark To-Do List

Red Checkmark Accomplishments

Red Checkmark SUCCESS!!!
My Inspired Year Weekly Planner 2017 Collage

It's the little things that make a difference...

Is there a new habit you want to track? My Inspired Year Weekly Planner gives you room to track your daily progress on this month's habit, last month's habit, and the habit you started working on two months ago.

By the end of the year, your life could be transformed!

Plan your year at a glance...

Use the monthly pages and the year pages to plan important events for 2017.
Mark down your important projects to ensure you have enought time to complete them.

Plan for a balanced life...

My Inspired Year isn't just about your work life. Use it to track health and fitness goals, books you're reading, and even the necessary time you take for rest and relaxation.

I want you to live your best
life, focused, balanced, and happy.

Get the encouragement you need...

Every week, I feature an encouraging quote to inspire you. Even better, sign up at to get help from me along the way!

Get your copy of My Inspired Year 

Weekly Planner 2017 today!

My Inspired Year Weekly Planner 2017

Norma Esler Your Rights:
Red Checkmark You may use the planner for your PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Red X You may NOT use the planner as the basis for your own product. This planner is protected by international copyright law.
Red X You may NOT brand the planner with your name, brand, logo, and website url.
not You may NOT resell the planner. If you would like to sell it, you can easily become an affiliate through JVZoo.
not You may NOT claim copyright to the planner.
not You may NOT give away the planner for others to use.
not You may NOT pass on PLR rights to others.

Norma Esler